Using WPILib Pose Estimation, Simulation, and PhotonVision Together

The following example comes from the PhotonLib example repository (Java/C++/Python). Full code is available at that links.

Knowledge and Equipment Needed


This example demonstrates integration of swerve drive control, a basic swerve physics simulation, and PhotonLib’s simulated vision system functionality.


Estimating Pose

The Drivetrain class includes functionality to fuse multiple sensor readings together (including PhotonVision) into a best-guess of the pose on the field.

Please reference the WPILib documentation on using the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator class.

We use the 2024 game’s AprilTag Locations:

68            visionSim.addAprilTags(kTagLayout);
42inline const frc::AprilTagFieldLayout kTagLayout{
43    frc::LoadAprilTagLayoutField(frc::AprilTagField::k2024Crescendo)};
46        self.camPoseEst = PhotonPoseEstimator(

To incorporate PhotonVision, we need to create a PhotonCamera:

57        camera = new PhotonCamera(kCameraName);
145  photon::PhotonCamera camera{constants::Vision::kCameraName};
44        self.swerve = drivetrain.Drivetrain()

During periodic execution, we read back camera results. If we see AprilTags in the image, we calculate the camera-measured pose of the robot and pass it to the Drivetrain.

64        // Correct pose estimate with vision measurements
65        var visionEst = vision.getEstimatedGlobalPose();
66        visionEst.ifPresent(
67                est -> {
68                    // Change our trust in the measurement based on the tags we can see
69                    var estStdDevs = vision.getEstimationStdDevs();
71                    drivetrain.addVisionMeasurement(
72                            est.estimatedPose.toPose2d(), est.timestampSeconds, estStdDevs);
73                });
38  auto visionEst = vision.GetEstimatedGlobalPose();
39  if (visionEst.has_value()) {
40    auto est = visionEst.value();
41    auto estPose = est.estimatedPose.ToPose2d();
42    auto estStdDevs = vision.GetEstimationStdDevs(estPose);
43    drivetrain.AddVisionMeasurement(est.estimatedPose.ToPose2d(), est.timestamp,
44                                    estStdDevs);
45  }
54        camEstPose = self.camPoseEst.update()
55        if camEstPose:
56            self.swerve.addVisionPoseEstimate(

Simulating the Camera

First, we create a new VisionSystemSim to represent our camera and coprocessor running PhotonVision, and moving around our simulated field.

65            // Create the vision system simulation which handles cameras and targets on the field.
66            visionSim = new VisionSystemSim("main");
67            // Add all the AprilTags inside the tag layout as visible targets to this simulated field.
68            visionSim.addAprilTags(kTagLayout);
69            // Create simulated camera properties. These can be set to mimic your actual camera.
49      visionSim = std::make_unique<photon::VisionSystemSim>("main");
51      visionSim->AddAprilTags(constants::Vision::kTagLayout);

# Coming Soon!

Then, we add configure the simulated vision system to match the camera system being simulated.

69            // Create simulated camera properties. These can be set to mimic your actual camera.
70            var cameraProp = new SimCameraProperties();
71            cameraProp.setCalibration(960, 720, Rotation2d.fromDegrees(90));
72            cameraProp.setCalibError(0.35, 0.10);
73            cameraProp.setFPS(15);
74            cameraProp.setAvgLatencyMs(50);
75            cameraProp.setLatencyStdDevMs(15);
76            // Create a PhotonCameraSim which will update the linked PhotonCamera's values with visible
77            // targets.
78            cameraSim = new PhotonCameraSim(camera, cameraProp);
79            // Add the simulated camera to view the targets on this simulated field.
80            visionSim.addCamera(cameraSim, kRobotToCam);
82            cameraSim.enableDrawWireframe(true);
53      cameraProp = std::make_unique<photon::SimCameraProperties>();
55      cameraProp->SetCalibration(960, 720, frc::Rotation2d{90_deg});
56      cameraProp->SetCalibError(.35, .10);
57      cameraProp->SetFPS(15_Hz);
58      cameraProp->SetAvgLatency(50_ms);
59      cameraProp->SetLatencyStdDev(15_ms);
61      cameraSim =
62          std::make_shared<photon::PhotonCameraSim>(&camera, *cameraProp.get());
64      visionSim->AddCamera(cameraSim.get(), constants::Vision::kRobotToCam);
65      cameraSim->EnableDrawWireframe(true);

# Coming Soon!

Updating the Simulated Vision System

During simulation, we periodically update the simulated vision system.

114    @Override
115    public void simulationPeriodic() {
116        // Update drivetrain simulation
117        drivetrain.simulationPeriodic();
119        // Update camera simulation
120        vision.simulationPeriodic(drivetrain.getSimPose());
122        var debugField = vision.getSimDebugField();
123        debugField.getObject("EstimatedRobot").setPose(drivetrain.getPose());
124        debugField.getObject("EstimatedRobotModules").setPoses(drivetrain.getModulePoses());
126        // Update gamepiece launcher simulation
127        gpLauncher.simulationPeriodic();
129        // Calculate battery voltage sag due to current draw
130        RoboRioSim.setVInVoltage(
131                BatterySim.calculateDefaultBatteryLoadedVoltage(drivetrain.getCurrentDraw()));
132    }
 95void Robot::SimulationPeriodic() {
 96  launcher.simulationPeriodic();
 97  drivetrain.SimulationPeriodic();
 98  vision.SimPeriodic(drivetrain.GetSimPose());
100  frc::Field2d& debugField = vision.GetSimDebugField();
101  debugField.GetObject("EstimatedRobot")->SetPose(drivetrain.GetPose());
102  debugField.GetObject("EstimatedRobotModules")
103      ->SetPoses(drivetrain.GetModulePoses());
105  units::ampere_t totalCurrent = drivetrain.GetCurrentDraw();
106  units::volt_t loadedBattVolts =
107      frc::sim::BatterySim::Calculate({totalCurrent});
108  frc::sim::RoboRioSim::SetVInVoltage(loadedBattVolts);

# Coming Soon!

The rest is done behind the scenes.