Combining Aiming and Getting in Range

The following example is from the PhotonLib example repository (Java/C++).

Knowledge and Equipment Needed


Now that you know how to aim toward the AprilTag, let’s also drive the correct distance from the AprilTag.

To do this, we’ll use the pitch of the target in the camera image and trigonometry to figure out how far away the robot is from the AprilTag. Then, like before, we’ll use the P term of a PID controller to drive the robot to the correct distance.

 84        // Calculate drivetrain commands from Joystick values
 85        double forward = -controller.getLeftY() * Constants.Swerve.kMaxLinearSpeed;
 86        double strafe = -controller.getLeftX() * Constants.Swerve.kMaxLinearSpeed;
 87        double turn = -controller.getRightX() * Constants.Swerve.kMaxAngularSpeed;
 89        // Read in relevant data from the Camera
 90        boolean targetVisible = false;
 91        double targetYaw = 0.0;
 92        double targetRange = 0.0;
 93        var results = camera.getAllUnreadResults();
 94        if (!results.isEmpty()) {
 95            // Camera processed a new frame since last
 96            // Get the last one in the list.
 97            var result = results.get(results.size() - 1);
 98            if (result.hasTargets()) {
 99                // At least one AprilTag was seen by the camera
100                for (var target : result.getTargets()) {
101                    if (target.getFiducialId() == 7) {
102                        // Found Tag 7, record its information
103                        targetYaw = target.getYaw();
104                        targetRange =
105                                PhotonUtils.calculateDistanceToTargetMeters(
106                                        0.5, // Measured with a tape measure, or in CAD.
107                                        1.435, // From 2024 game manual for ID 7
108                                        Units.degreesToRadians(-30.0), // Measured with a protractor, or in CAD.
109                                        Units.degreesToRadians(target.getPitch()));
111                        targetVisible = true;
112                    }
113                }
114            }
115        }
117        // Auto-align when requested
118        if (controller.getAButton() && targetVisible) {
119            // Driver wants auto-alignment to tag 7
120            // And, tag 7 is in sight, so we can turn toward it.
121            // Override the driver's turn and fwd/rev command with an automatic one
122            // That turns toward the tag, and gets the range right.
123            turn =
124                    (VISION_DES_ANGLE_deg - targetYaw) * VISION_TURN_kP * Constants.Swerve.kMaxAngularSpeed;
125            forward =
126                    (VISION_DES_RANGE_m - targetRange) * VISION_STRAFE_kP * Constants.Swerve.kMaxLinearSpeed;
127        }
129        // Command drivetrain motors based on target speeds
130, strafe, turn);
25#pragma once
27#include <photon/PhotonCamera.h>
29#include <frc/TimedRobot.h>
30#include <frc/XboxController.h>
32#include "Constants.h"
33#include "VisionSim.h"
34#include "subsystems/SwerveDrive.h"
36class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
37 public:
38  void RobotInit() override;
39  void RobotPeriodic() override;
40  void DisabledInit() override;
41  void DisabledPeriodic() override;
42  void DisabledExit() override;
43  void AutonomousInit() override;
44  void AutonomousPeriodic() override;
45  void AutonomousExit() override;
46  void TeleopInit() override;
47  void TeleopPeriodic() override;
48  void TeleopExit() override;
49  void TestInit() override;
50  void TestPeriodic() override;
51  void TestExit() override;
52  void SimulationPeriodic() override;
54 private:
55  photon::PhotonCamera camera{constants::Vision::kCameraName};
56  SwerveDrive drivetrain{};
57  VisionSim vision{&camera};
58  frc::XboxController controller{0};
59  static constexpr auto VISION_TURN_kP = 0.01;
60  static constexpr auto VISION_DES_ANGLE = 0.0_deg;
61  static constexpr auto VISION_STRAFE_kP = 0.5;
62  static constexpr auto VISION_DES_RANGE = 1.25_m;
 58void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() {
 59  // Calculate drivetrain commands from Joystick values
 60  auto forward =
 61      -1.0 * controller.GetLeftY() * constants::Swerve::kMaxLinearSpeed;
 62  auto strafe =
 63      -1.0 * controller.GetLeftX() * constants::Swerve::kMaxLinearSpeed;
 64  auto turn =
 65      -1.0 * controller.GetRightX() * constants::Swerve::kMaxAngularSpeed;
 67  bool targetVisible = false;
 68  units::degree_t targetYaw = 0.0_deg;
 69  units::meter_t targetRange = 0.0_m;
 70  auto results = camera.GetAllUnreadResults();
 71  if (results.size() > 0) {
 72    // Camera processed a new frame since last
 73    // Get the last one in the list.
 74    auto result = results[results.size() - 1];
 75    if (result.HasTargets()) {
 76      // At least one AprilTag was seen by the camera
 77      for (auto& target : result.GetTargets()) {
 78        if (target.GetFiducialId() == 7) {
 79          // Found Tag 7, record its information
 80          targetYaw = units::degree_t{target.GetYaw()};
 81          targetRange = photon::PhotonUtils::CalculateDistanceToTarget(
 82              0.5_m,      // Measured with a tape measure, or in CAD
 83              1.435_m,    // From 2024 game manual for ID 7
 84              -30.0_deg,  // Measured witha protractor, or in CAD
 85              units::degree_t{target.GetPitch()});
 86          targetVisible = true;
 87        }
 88      }
 89    }
 90  }
 92  // Auto-align when requested
 93  if (controller.GetAButton() && targetVisible) {
 94    // Driver wants auto-alignment to tag 7
 95    // And, tag 7 is in sight, so we can turn toward it.
 96    // Override the driver's turn command with an automatic one that turns
 97    // toward the tag and gets the range right.
 98    turn = (VISION_DES_ANGLE - targetYaw).value() * VISION_TURN_kP *
 99           constants::Swerve::kMaxAngularSpeed;
100    forward = (VISION_DES_RANGE - targetRange).value() * VISION_STRAFE_kP *
101              constants::Swerve::kMaxLinearSpeed;
102  }
104  // Command drivetrain motors based on target speeds
105  drivetrain.Drive(forward, strafe, turn);
44        self.controller = wpilib.XboxController(0)
45        self.swerve = drivetrain.Drivetrain()
46 = PhotonCamera("YOUR CAMERA NAME")
48    def robotPeriodic(self) -> None:
49        self.swerve.updateOdometry()
50        self.swerve.log()
52    def teleopPeriodic(self) -> None:
53        xSpeed = -1.0 * self.controller.getLeftY() * drivetrain.kMaxSpeed
54        ySpeed = -1.0 * self.controller.getLeftX() * drivetrain.kMaxSpeed
55        rot = -1.0 * self.controller.getRightX() * drivetrain.kMaxAngularSpeed
57        # Get information from the camera
58        targetYaw = 0.0
59        targetRange = 0.0
60        targetVisible = False
61        results =
62        if len(results) > 0:
63            result = results[-1]  # take the most recent result the camera had
64            # At least one apriltag was seen by the camera
65            for target in result.getTargets():
66                if target.getFiducialId() == 7:
67                    # Found tag 7, record its information
68                    targetVisible = True
69                    targetYaw = target.getYaw()
70                    heightDelta = CAM_MOUNT_HEIGHT_m - TAG_7_MOUNT_HEIGHT_m
71                    angleDelta = math.radians(CAM_MOUNT_PITCH_deg - target.getPitch())
72                    targetRange = heightDelta / math.tan(angleDelta)
74        if self.controller.getAButton() and targetVisible:
75            # Driver wants auto-alignment to tag 7
76            # And, tag 7 is in sight, so we can turn toward it.
77            # Override the driver's turn and x-vel command with
78            # an automatic one that turns toward the tag
79            # and puts us at the right distance
80            rot = (
81                (VISION_DES_ANGLE_deg - targetYaw)
82                * VISION_TURN_kP
83                * drivetrain.kMaxAngularSpeed
84            )
85            xSpeed = (
86                (VISION_DES_RANGE_m - targetRange)
87                * VISION_STRAFE_kP
88                * drivetrain.kMaxSpeed
89            )
91, ySpeed, rot, True, self.getPeriod())
93    def _simulationPeriodic(self) -> None:
94        self.swerve.simulationPeriodic()
95        return super()._simulationPeriodic()