Quick Configure
Settings to configure
Team number
In order for photonvision to connect to the roborio it needs to know your team number.
Camera Nickname
You must nickname your cameras in PhotonVision to ensure that every camera has a unique name. This is how you will identify cameras in robot code. The camera can be nicknamed using the edit button next to the camera name in the upper right of the Dashboard tab.

Pipeline Settings
When using an Orange Pi 5 with an Arducam OV9281 teams will usually change the following settings. For more info on AprilTag settings please review this.
Exposure and Gain:
Adjust these to achieve good brightness without flicker and low motion blur. This may vary based on lighting conditions in your competition environment.
Enable MultiTag
Set arducam specific camera type selector to OV9281
Object Detection
When using an Orange Pi 5 with an OV9782 teams will usually change the following settings. For more info on object detection settings please review this.
Resolutions higher than 640x640 may not result in any higher detection accuracy and may lower performance.
0.75 - 0.95 Lower values are for detecting worn game pieces or less ideal game pieces. Higher for less worn, more ideal game pieces.
White Balance Temperature:
Adjust this to achieve better color accuracy. This may be needed to increase confidence.
Set arducam specific camera type selector to OV9782