About Object Detection

How does it work?

PhotonVision supports object detection using neural network accelerator hardware built into Orange Pi 5/5+ coprocessors. The Neural Processing Unit, or NPU, is used by PhotonVision to massively accelerate certain math operations like those needed for running ML-based object detection.

For the 2025 season, PhotonVision does not currently ship with a pre-trained detector. If teams are interested in using object detection, they can follow the custom process outlined below.

Tracking Objects

Before you get started with object detection, ensure that you have followed the previous sections on installation, wiring, and networking. Next, open the Web UI, go to the top right card, and switch to the “Object Detection” type. You should see a screen similar to the image above.

PhotonVision does not currently ship with a pretrained model. Models are trained to detect one or more object “classes” (such as cars, stoplights) in an input image. For each detected object, the model outputs a bounding box around where in the image the object is located, what class the object belongs to, and a unitless confidence between 0 and 1.


This model output means that while its fairly easy to say that “this rectangle probably contains an object”, we don’t have any information about the object’s orientation or location. Further math in user code would be required to make estimates about where an object is physically located relative to the camera.

Tuning and Filtering

Compared to other pipelines, object detection exposes very few tuning handles. The Confidence slider changes the minimum confidence that the model needs to have in a given detection to consider it valid, as a number between 0 and 1 (with 0 meaning completely uncertain and 1 meaning maximally certain).

The same area, aspect ratio, and target orientation/sort parameters from reflective pipelines are also exposed in the object detection card.


Photonvision will letterbox your camera frame to 640x640. This means that if you select a resolution that is larger than 640 it will be scaled down to fit inside a 640x640 frame with black bars if needed. Smaller frames will be scaled up with black bars if needed.

Training Custom Models

Coming soon!

Uploading Custom Models


PhotonVision currently ONLY supports 640x640 YOLOv5 & YOLOv8 models trained and converted to .rknn format for RK3588 CPUs! Other models require different post-processing code and will NOT work. The model conversion process is also highly particular. Proceed with care.

In the settings, under Device Control, there’s an option to upload a new object detection model. Naming convention should be name-verticalResolution-horizontalResolution-modelType. Additionally, the labels file ought to have the same name as the RKNN file, with -labels appended to the end. For example, if the RKNN file is named note-640-640-yolov5s.rknn, the labels file should be named note-640-640-yolov5s-labels.txt.